Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm


Report Suspected Abuse

(24 Hour Hotline)


A Commercially Sexually Exploited Child (CSEC) is one under the age of 18 who engages, agrees to engage in, or offers to engage in sexual conduct in exchange for money, clothing, food, shelter, education, goods, or care. Exploited youth are not “child prostitutes,” they are child victims.

A child is often “groomed” by someone who uses psychological manipulation to build trust. Exploiters target vulnerable youth, many of whom have histories of running away, abuse, and neglect. What initially seems like love and security often turns into control, manipulation, and violence, making it difficult for youth to step forward, identify as victims, or seek help.

Often sexual exploitation starts online. Perpetrators can access children and teens through social media, gaming and other online platforms. The CAC has resources and training opportunities to help keep kids safe in a digital world.

Circles with Various Colors

Red flags to look for

Signs that may indicate a youth is CSEC-involved:

  • Frequently run away from home and miss school
  • Access to new and expensive items and services (cell phones, clothes, hair and nails done)
  • Spends time with adults or older kids who show signs of controlling the child’s behavior
  • They have new tattoo(s) or markings that may indicate branding.
  • Visible signs of physical or sexual abuse.
  • Frequent need for STI or pregnancy testing

What to do if you suspect a CSEC situation

  • File a 51A report with DCF if you suspect child sexual exploitation
  • You do not need to investigate or question the child
  • Be a supportive adult
  • Call the CAC 413-570–5989 for more information on how to support the child

24 Hour Hotline:
(800) 792-5200

In Hampshire County, call:


(Amherst, Chesterfield, Cummington,
Easthampton, Goshen, Hadley,
Hatfield, Middlefield, Northampton, Pelham, Plainfield,
Westhampton, Williamsburg, Worthington)


(Huntington, Southampton)


(Belchertown, Granby, South Hadley, Ware)

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