Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm


Medical Services

At the Children’s Advocacy Center of Hampshire County, we provide specialized and trauma-informed medical care for children after abuse.

After a disclosure or concern of sexual abuse, it is often helpful for a child to see a health professional. The CAC’s forensically-sound, medical services are offered onsite by a specially-trained nurse practitioner. Medical services are provided in our child-friendly examination room using state-of-the-art equipment. The medical exam is not painful or invasive.

The CAC Pedi-SANE provides medical care to:

  • Ensure the health and well-being of the child
  • Reassure the child that everything is okay with their body
  • Diagnose and treat medical conditions that may or may not be related to child abuse
  • Provide video documentation of possible physical and forensic findings
  • Allow for collection of evidence that may be present on the child's body or clothing using the Pediatric Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit
  • Address any underlying medical, developmental or psychological concerns


The medical examination also provides an opportunity for the child and family to be linked to other important services and resources.

The Children’s Advocacy Center of Hampshire County provides medical exams at no charge to children and families.

24 Hour Hotline:
(800) 792-5200

In Hampshire County, call:


(Amherst, Chesterfield, Cummington,
Easthampton, Goshen, Hadley,
Hatfield, Middlefield, Northampton, Pelham, Plainfield,
Westhampton, Williamsburg, Worthington)


(Huntington, Southampton)


(Belchertown, Granby, South Hadley, Ware)

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