Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm


Reporting Abuse

Children who have been abused may display a wide variety of emotional, behavioral, or physical signs and symptoms. And, sometimes they may not display any symptoms at all.

What is most important is that if you notice changes in a child that you let them know you are concerned, want to help, and that they can come to you for anything and you will not be upset.

If you have questions about how to help a child in your life contact us at or 413-579-5989.

Report Suspected Abuse

(24 Hour Hotline)

Pink and Yellow Circles

Caregiver Resources

Prevention & Training

This 51A online training was designed by the Middlesex Children’s Advocacy Center in collaboration with the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office to help mandated reporters:


  • Understand their legal obligations as mandated reporters
  • Recognize possible signs and symptoms of maltreatment
  • Know how to respond to a child who discloses abuse
  • Know how to file a 51A Report
  • Understand what happens after a 51A Report


51A Mandated Reporter Training Logo




24 Hour Hotline:
(800) 792-5200

In Hampshire County, call:


(Amherst, Chesterfield, Cummington,
Easthampton, Goshen, Hadley,
Hatfield, Middlefield, Northampton, Pelham, Plainfield,
Westhampton, Williamsburg, Worthington)


(Huntington, Southampton)


(Belchertown, Granby, South Hadley, Ware)

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